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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tyga - The Potential (Mixtape Review)

The Potential is the perfect title for Tyga's latest mixtape. Hell, he's past potential, I can pretty much guarantee this kid is going to blow up. I've been listening to the tape for the past 4 hours on repeat. This mixtape makes me feel uplifted. Tyga is truly unique. He is lyrical, his beats are fresh, the choruses are incredible. It's more than your typical gangster rap, it's better than the first time I heard Lupe, and thought about how different his style was. Listening to this tape, for a second, felt like I was being introduced to rap for the first time. Don't overlook The Potential. The tape has serious soul, and a touch of humor. It's truly refreshing.


01. The Potential
02. Awsome
03. Stop Accussing
04. Where Am I
05. Diddy Bop
06. Tyzilla
07. How Would You Like
08. Dads Letter
09. Every Girl
10. Slow It Down
11. Cut My Check
12. My Glory
13. RIP Dolla
14. All Love
15. BET Freestyle (Bonus)

Tyga - The Potential Direct Download
Tyga - The Potential Torrent


  1. I want people to know that I did not give out a 5. It was my co-contributor. I personally don't think anything out today deserves a 5/5...

  2. you a sweet nigga. prolly didn't even listen to it cuz ur a sweet nigga. soft man. soft and sweet.

  3. this mixtape sucks 2....J.Cole and Tyga...c'mon now.....u and I both know that the freestyle on the end of the album is the rawest shit on there

  4. Tyga is a good artist man. He is making original music and we respect that. What would you rather we posted?

  5. good tape, keepin his buzz alive, dont know if he'll blow up though too many new niggas on the scene; cudi, drake, etc.

  6. wtf can somebody just give me the lyrics to slow it down !!!!!! :(
